

Texture Properties of Broiler Breast Meat With the Woody Breast Condition

发布日期:2018-10-09    浏览次数:

题目: Texture Properties of Broiler Breast Meat With the Woody Breast Condition

主讲人:Dr. & Prof. Hong Zhuang(美国农业部农业研究服务署USDA-ARS,质量与安全控制研究所岗位科学家,Quality and Safety Assessment Research Unit, QSARU;佐治亚大学客座教授)



联系人:王伟  62737288


中国“111引智计划国际核心专家。从事农产品及食品科学方面研究近30年,在禽肉品质安全检测、加工、包装技术和感官评价等方面有丰富的研究经验。Dr. Zhuang共发表SCI论文80余篇,出版专著6本,是4个国际SCI期刊杂志编委及20余杂志的同行评议专家,中国国家自然科学基金会评审专家,食品与包装工程联合研究所所长,中国畜产品加工研究会蛋制品专业委员会副理事长,亚洲蛋品协会常务理事等。

Dr. Zhuang has more than 25 years of research experience in both basic and applied Food research fields. He has versatile skills and training in the field of instrumental analyses of sensory-related food product compositions and properties, sensory evaluation techniques for food quality assessment, food packaging, and spectroscopic analyses and statistical modeling. He published three papers in peer-reviewed journals and one book chapter based on his master’s degree thesis, and published five papers and two book chapters based on his Ph.D. research. Dr. Zhuang, as a senior research scientist with one of the world largest produce company, Chiquita International, has successfully developed more than 20 new products and implemented emerging processing technologies for produce processing companies. Since joining the USDA-ARS research team in 2006, he has published 33 peer-reviewed journal articles and 6 book chapters, edited one book, made 12 invited presentations, and more than 40 presentations at scientific meetings. Dr. Zhuang is an Adjunct Associate Professor and Graduate Faculty of the University of Georgia and an Adjunct Professor of Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China. He has served an associate editor for the Poultry Science, as a peer reviewer for sixteen scientific journals and a grant proposal reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, organizer/moderator for three sessions at academic meetings, member of the subpanel for the IFT Sensory Science Division Scientific Program, chair of the IFT Fruit and Vegetable Products Division, and president of the Chinese American Food Society.



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