

中国 - 马其顿双边项目“面向易腐食品全生命周期质量管理追溯的物联网传感和区块链集成技术”国际会议线上讲座
Bilateral project China – Macedonia with title: Integration with IoT and Blockchain technology for PLM Strategy based perishable food quality management and traceability

发布日期:2021-08-20    浏览次数:


北京时间2021年08月24日(星期二): 14:00-17:00

线上讲座接入方式:Microsoft teams


报告人: Prof. Dr Ordan Chukaliev, PhD,  Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food(北马其顿圣基里尔•麦托迪大学,农业科学和食品学院)

报告题目:Agricultural Digital Transformation

报告人: 冯欢欢(Post Ph.D researcher)

报告题目:Blockchain technology application in traceability management of agri-food

报告人: Ema Vasileska, MSc, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Skopje. (北马其顿圣基里尔•麦托迪大学,机械工程学院)

报告题目:Preliminary results of using machine learning methods to predict wheat yield based on climate data

报告人: 徐进超(Ph.D student)

报告题目:Rules-based Non-destructive Monitoring system for Chilled Chicken Quality Evaluation and Prediction

报告人: Mila Velkovska, MSc, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Skopje. (北马其顿圣基里尔•麦托迪大学,机械工程学院)

报告题目:Analysis of Green IoT Industry 4.0 technology related to European Green Agenda

报告人: 刘鹏飞(Ph.D student)

报告题目:Oyster activity detection, prediction and evaluation method based on inkjet printing flexible sensing technology

报告人: Assoc.Prof. Dr Bojan Jovanoski, PhD, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Skopje.(北马其顿圣基里尔•麦托迪大学,机械工程学院)

报告题目:Lean Green Tools

报告人: 穆泊宇(Master student)

报告题目:Flexible wireless pH sensor system for fish cold storage

联系人:徐进超 xuvic@cau.edu.cn



14:00 (GMT+8), Aug 24, 2021, Tuesday, Beijing Time

8:00 am (GMT+2) Aug 24, 2021, Tuesday, Macedonia Time

Online Meeting: Mircosoft Teams


Macedonian participants:

1.  Title:    Agricultural Digital Transformation 

Author:    Prof. Dr Ordan Chukaliev, PhD Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food

Short Abstract:

The presentation is giving short overview on digitalization of agriculture as pathway for implementation of the digital technologies, innovations, and data to transform business models and practices across the agricultural value chain. Number of technologies and practices can be considered as digitalization of agriculture as: Information systems in agriculture, ICT in agriculture, Smart farming, E-agriculture, IoT (Internet of Tractors) and many others similar ideas and approaches. The paradigm turnover from “uniformity” toward “variability” is explained. Moreover, the national circumstances in agricultural sector, and readiness for digitalization is explained including several important initial activities conducted in the country.

2. Title:   Preliminary results of using machine learning methods to predict wheat yield based on climate data 

Author:   Ass. Ema Vasileska, MSc, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Skopje,

Short Abstract:  

The work presents preliminary results of training machine learning models with historical climate data in specific time windows for predicting the yearly wheat yield. The work starts by investigating the influence of several climate parameters on the wheat yield and performing Principal Component Analysis, followed by investigating the significance of the climate conditions in different time windows and finalized by implementing machine learning methods to predict the wheat yield and evaluating their performance on new datasets.

3. Title:  Analysis of Green IoT Industry 4.0 technology related to European              Green Agenda

Author:    Mila Velkovska, BSc, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Skopje

Short Abstract:  

The more research and development sector grows, the more natural resources are being used, thus - directly or indirectly - this process threatens the environment. The current global goal is to adapt existing and emerging technologies to satisfy both companies’ and customers’ needs, with minimal or no impact on the environment. In addition to the many benefits it offers, the technology itself requires a lot of energy, emits hazardous substances and generates electronic waste. Therefore, the Green Internet of Things is explained, integrated with the Circular Economy, as a way to reduce its own impact on the environment. To achieve that, it is necessary to put a lot of measures to reduce carbon footprint, conserve fewer resources, and promote efficient techniques for energy usage, which is exactly the core of the European Green Agenda.

4. Title:   Lean Green Tools

Author:   Assoc.Prof. Dr Bojan Jovanoski, PhD, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Skopje

Short Abstract:  

Innovative tools and methods need to be introduced in the curricula in order to better transfer the knowledge to the students. This paper will present the results of the student-developed project and the ideas for the future.

Chinese participants:

1. Title:  Blockchain technology application in traceability management of agri-food 

Author:   Huanhuan FENG, Post Ph.D researcher, Beijing Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, China

Short Abstract:

The presentation introduces the blockchain technology characteristics and functionalities and identify blockchain based solutions for addressing traceability trust mechanisms. Our work proposes a blockchain based quality traceability architecture to improve transparency and quality control management of agri-food.

2. Title:   Rules-based Non-destructive Monitoring system for Chilled Chicken Quality Evaluation and Prediction 

Author:    Jinchao XU, Ph.D, Beijing Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, China

Short Abstract:  

The objective of this study integrates multi-sensor non-destructive monitoring methods and rules-based quality evaluation level and prediction model to provide real-time feedback and dynamic adjustment of the cold chain process. The critical environment parameters (T, RH, O2, CO2, and H2S) and quality indicators (TVB-N, sensory, texture, and color) obtained by the monitoring system are statistically analyzed. The cold chain process and related requirements are determined through rule extraction, and the quality evaluation level based on unified diagnostic rules is established to improve the accuracy and efficiency of quality prediction. The relevant manager, workers, and experts are invited to participate in the performance analysis and optimization suggestion to demonstrate the accuracy and applicability of the established monitoring system.

3. Title:   Oyster activity detection, prediction and evaluation method based on inkjet printing flexible sensing technology

Author:   Pengfei LIU, Ph.D, Beijing Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, China

Short Abstract:  

The flexible sensor based on inkjet printing has the advantages of high sensitivity, low temperature impact, high spatial resolution and easy signal detection. Flexible sensors have the advantages of fast response, high accuracy and good reliability in pressure, temperature and humidity. Through the research and debugging of the resistance type flexible pressure sensor based on copper nanowires/graphene/melamine foam, it has important theoretical and practical significance for the oyster activity detection and prediction evaluation through the test pressure.

4. Title:   Flexible wireless pH sensor system for fish cold storage

Author:   Boyu MU, Master,Beijing Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, China

Short Abstract:  

In the face of more and more special signals and special environments, we hope that the sensor can be transparent, flexible, stretchable, free to bend or even fold, easy to carry, and wearable. With the development of flexible matrix materials, flexible sensors that meet the characteristics of the above-mentioned various trends have emerged on this basis. In this report, a flexible wireless pH sensor system is mainly introduced to detect the freshness of cold chain refrigerated fish. The pH sensor system is a two-electrode system composed of ITO electrodes and Ag/AgCl reference electrodes to detect the pH value. The sensitivity of the pH electrode is -50.974mV/pH, and the sensitivity, reproducibility, and time response of the electrode are good. The freshness of fish can be judged by detecting the pH value of the fish tissue solution. At the same time, we can also detect the freshness of fish by coating a hydrogel on the pH electrode based on the characteristics of the volatile organic compounds produced by the fish during the spoilage process. When the hydrogel absorbs the volatile organic compounds produced by fish corruption in the air, the pH value of the hydrogel changes accordingly, and the pH sensor electrode detects the pH change of the hydrogel and reflects the freshness of the fish.


Contact: Jinchao Xu;  xuvic@cau.edu.cn

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