

The Development of Highly-Porous Food Powders from a Templating Approach using Spray Drying

发布日期:2019-11-25    浏览次数:

题目:The Development of Highly-Porous Food Powders from a Templating Approach using Spray Drying

主讲人:Prof. Timothy Langrish (悉尼大学教授)



联系人:肖红伟 15210102909




Tim Langrish,牛津大学博士(1989),现为澳大利亚悉尼大学化学与生物分子工程系教授,主要从事食品和干燥加工工程和技术方面的研究,是世界著名的食品工程专家与喷雾干燥领域的顶级学者。Langrish教授参编了《佩里化学工程师手册》,在Chemical Engineering Journal, Food Hydrocolloids, Drying Technology等权威期刊发表同行评议论文200多篇,在干燥技术领域做出了杰出贡献。尤其在研究喷雾干燥机中的瞬态流动,发现了新型流动不稳定性,并使用CFD模拟喷雾干燥机内部的流动模式,结合流动可视化等技术,实现干燥设备设计和工艺条件优化,这对减少喷雾干燥机壁上颗粒沉积效应具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。


Dr. Tim Langrish got his Doctor degree of Philosophy from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1989. Currently, he is a professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Sydney.

His research interests are in the areas of process technology, particularly drying technology, food process engineering and particle processing and production. He is one of the world’s leading spray drying researchers, and he co-edited the drying chapter for Perry and Green’s Handbook of Chemical Engineering. He has published more than 200 papers in peer review journals such as Chemical Engineering Journal, Food Hydrocolloids, Drying Technology.

Professor Tim Langrish's research activities span a wide range of areas, but share a common goal of improving our quality of life. The means by which he is working to achieve this include reducing the recurrence of cancer, improving nutrition and lowering energy consumption in industry.

"I work in a range of areas including food process engineering, drying technology, energy and energy quality, solar kilns, timber drying and spray-drying technologies.

"One aspect of my research aims to assist in reducing cancer recurrence by improving the quality of foods, including adding extracts from citrus fruits to cereals. Our treatment of acute cancer issues is increasingly effective but cancer recurrence remains a significant concern, which this project is working to address.

"I am also working on new crystallisation and drying technologies that will enable us to create powdered fruit juices and milks with improved storage stability. This will allow these products to be made available in areas without access to refrigerated transport, improving the health of people in those areas, and is also a very important development in the Australian manufacturing industry.

"Other projects involve making salt that tastes saltier than normal salt, so that people can reduce their salt intake while retaining the same perception of saltiness; assisting Australian manufacturers of solar kilns to maintain their world lead in solar kiln design; and reducing energy use in industry, decreasing costs and enabling industries to maintain their competitive edge.

"The common objective of all of my work is to improve quality of life.

"I've been working in this field for the past 25 years. A strong and broadly based academic institution like the University of Sydney is essential to maintaining steady progress in this kind of work, whose complexity requires multidisciplinary and multi-faceted approaches to be taken. The University of Sydney is the best environment for providing this support."


Website: https://sydney.edu.au/engineering/about/our-people/academic-staff/timothy-langrish.html#opennewwindow

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